Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mistreatment and Torture Among the Handicapped, more Brutal than You Think.


  When you think about mistreatment among the disadvantaged people, many may actually be surprised at the fact. Why anyone would hurt people who are disabled? That is the basic human consensus, but if you do some research you would be surprised at the sheer brutality that some of these people have to go through for days, months or even years. Some of this included torture, both physical and mental, neglect, or just pure backlash.

  Now, you don’t have to go back 45 years to see how was it that the handicapped were mistreated. Some big and historical events happen as recently as just a year ago and I must say that this is one of the most gruesome things I have ever read and studied on. In April of 2010, the United States government released a report on the immediate cease and decease form of the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) in several states. Now why the United States GOVERNMENT would want to stop these facilities from doing their job? Simple, they are not doing their job at all; in fact, the staff members were doing just the opposite. These “workers” are supposed to help the disabled people by giving them medicine, educating them, and being nice overall to their condition. But instead, what they did was torturing them if they acted differently, gave them free control of their drugs, making them addicts, and lastly leaving them alone for extensive periods of time, making them desperate and extremely violent. Many of them died from this, many more where scarred for life, living in a state of unshakeable fear and mistrust. Some of the tortured being given EVERYDAY included: shock chairs, food deprivation, and the worst of all, being tied to a wooden tabled and then taped with electrical shock devices. The staff would shock children, women, anyone, for hours on end, with no remorse or mercy. You want to know what is the worst about this? These JRC facilities have been doing this to its “patients” for YEARS. According the investigation reports given by the government, there is apparently reason to believe that the workers have been mistreating its patients for many years, using the words “extensive hands-on treatment” as their excuse to do these horrible things and the government just accepts it without any form supervision? I am glad that the torturing stopped but I think that this could have stopped sooner or even prevented if the government was more “hands-on” with the facilities they are sponsoring and most importantly funding.

  I don’t know about you, but this mistreatment cannot keep going unnoticed, just because some of these people cannot speak for themselves, does not mean that we should ignore their pleas for help. Just because some of them cannot see, does not mean we should ignore their tears, some of them were young children, incapable of understanding why they are doing this.

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