Friday, February 18, 2011

Classmate's Blogs and Reflection


  Randy's blog was an eyecatcher from the moment one sees it. With a huge PLAY BALL tittle and the fire background, one was immidietly hooked. A particulary favorite of mine was the was the journal post as life of a German immigrant and their family's life trying to moved into the United States. It's a simple story but with the good amount of details and the reflection given by almost any action gives the story a belivable approach. All and all it was nice to read and pretty enjoyable.


Reading Irelis' post on the Puerto Rican impact on the United States and her family heritage was interesting to read and most importantly, easy to understand. Irelis has a skill with her words that few can compete with, and this blog is a prime example of this. All her post are well written and are expressed well and the intentions behind her posts are crystal clear.


 Katherine's blog was a simple one. Nothing overly complicated and the post was well written. Her post on the immigration today video was a great way the introduce her emotions on the subject and she did it was great style and simplicity that Iappreciate and respect from her.


  Itze's blog was really interesting and I really like how she put the extra effort in order for her blog to be well received by others and fun to look at. A post I find particulary interesting was her immigraation story and her heritage.Her heritage was something that I always was interested in finding out and reading it made the rest of the blog fun.


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